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        In a storm-tossed sea, a lighthouse stands as a beacon of light for those who are lost and searching for land, guiding you past rocky shores.

        As a Coach, I am a beacon of light for my clients assisting them discover clarity, find direction, set a course for their goals and aspirations -- encouraging and supporting their efforts.  In the midst of chaos, I shine the light of perspective on the situation so that options can be revealed, solutions found.  Clients know that I accept them just as they are, so they are free to express their true thoughts, fears, and feelings, allowing us to find the path of less resistance to achieve their goals. 

        My inspiration offers encouragement to those who feel as if they have been tossed about by the storms of life.  I care about people and show how much I care by quietly listening, gently probing, and challenging their beliefs.  When they speak their deepest thoughts aloud to me, they sometimes hear, for the first time, what they can do to let their own inner coach's wisdom be heard - illuminating the next steps and right path ideal for them.

        I am a personal coach, a cheerleader for your soul who empowers your spirit to help you design a life full of purpose and passion!


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